Sunday, October 30, 2011

Breastfeeding in Public

I rode the jeepney a couple of months ago together with this woman.  She was with her toddler.  Her toddler was a bit unsettled and was asking for something to eat.  They probably were anxious to get to where they're going to stop and buy something to eat.  The woman, instead nursed her toddler until he's satisfied.

In my mind, I was cheering for her.  I was thinking "Go mommy!" I admired her attitude and I couldnt help but look at how the other people would react to this kind of picture.  There were a few who looked away and a few who stared and felt embarassed.  I just smiled and wondered if i'd be able to do the same thing that she did without feeling exposed.

Fastforward to today, I guess you can say that I am pretty successful in being able to breastfeed my son in public.  I bought a nursing cover (which I hardly use. thank God for the Next9 ring sling), a few nursingwears and build my confidence.  I also experimented with my existing blouses on how I can breastfeed without exposing too much (yes! I practiced in front of a mirror).  I've done it pretty mucheverywhere -- the doctor's clinic, MRT, the cab, at the malls, at company sponsored events, the church, while attending seminars -- and I've grown more confident each time.  What better way to promote breastfeeding than letting everyone see that you're actually doing it?

me and my trusty nursing cover waiting for hubby

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