Monday, October 10, 2011


My son is still breastfeeding at 15 months.  He's been eating a lot of solid foods now and I often found myself with an extra ounce or two of breastmilk by the end of the week.  He is also a big fan of ice cream so we created a popsicle made out of breastmilk. 

What you need are the following:
small cup (I used the cap of the Gerber feeding bottle)

It's pretty easy really.  Just pour the milk into the small cup then stick the pacifier in.  Put it inside the freezer and wait for an hour.

Pour the milk into the cap and stick the pacifier in

Fresh from the freezer

Ready to serve
My son not only has unlimited supply of breastmilk but of "momsicles" as well.  Let me know when you tried making one too. 

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